name | coins | fees now | never-KYC | OF Guarantee |
FixedFloat |
Hellex |
Quickex |
changehero |
Exolix |
Swapter |
ChangeNow |
NanSwap |
eXch |
SimpleSwap |
Xchange |
Swapuz |
StealthEX |
Majestic Bank |
BitcoinVN |
LetsExchange |
WizardSwap |
Pegasus |
name | coins | gift cards | debit cards | 3DS | cards|
issuance | conversion | ||||
SPEND $200 GET $5
Cake Pay
The Bitcoin Company
SPEND $21 GET $5
- We try to include fees hidden in the exchange rate.
- Negative fees indicate 0% fee + a cashback.
- 3DS cards - in the EU πͺπΊ (& in many other countries) only 3DS cards can be used online.
- non-3DS cards - in the US πΊπΈ non-3DS can be used online, but it most countries they can only be used in-store.
- A minus (-) indicates a lack of availability.
symbol | USDT | 1h | 24h | 7d |
BTC | 104690 | |||
ETH | 3291.9 | |||
USDC | 1.0001 | |||
BCH | 444.64 | |||
LTC | 114.76 | |||
XMR | 200.02 | |||
DAI | 0.99978 |
- eSIM - we use ($2 off with our link). They accept Bitcoin & Monero, have no KYC and work worldwide.
- messaging - we use SimpleX. There's no phone number required and it has no user IDs.
- email - avoid using email. Its privacy shortcomings cannot be overcome. When we can't avoid email we use Proton.
- travel - we use Travala for flights & hotels. They take Bitcoin and have a best price guarantee for hotel bookings.
- seed backup - we use Cryptosteel products to store our seed phrases in stainless steel. You can also find them on xmrbazaar.
- banking - avoid using banks, but some banks are less terrible than others. Contact us for offshore, crypto-friendly banking recommendations. Non-US citizens only.
What is is a directory that lets you quickly search through instant exchanges, atomic swaps, P2P exchanges, prepaid cards and OTC brokers to find you the one with the best exchange rate.
We are not an exchange, merely a directory. We never touch your coins.
How do I use
If you'd like to trade between two cryptocurrencies, enter the amount you want to exchange and the currencies you want to exchange between. Click the "Search" button and you'll be shown the best rates.
If, instead, you'd like to buy or sell cryptocurrency for fiat then you should select the "Buy" or "Sell" tab respectively. Enter the amount you want to exchange and the currencies you want to exchange between. Click the "Search" button and you'll be shown the best rates.
How do I know the exchanges won't scam me? What is the OrangeFren Guarantee (OF Guarantee)?
We entered an agreement with some exchanges wherein we are able to refund you using their money if they scam you. This feature is called the OrangeFren Guarantee. It applies to exchanges that have a green text about the Guarantee next to their name on the results page.
The OrangeFren Guarantee only applies if an exchange violates its own policies. Some exchanges have a policy that allows them to require you identify yourself (KYC) and the where you got your coins (SoF). Those exchanges have a yellow warning about their policies on the results page. The OrangeFren Guarantee does not refund users of exchanges that have this warning if they demand your undergo their verification.
How do I buy a gift card or debit card?
You'll find a table comparing different providers here. Simply pick the one that suits you best.
Do you have an affiliate program?
Yes! Unlike other affiliate programs you'll earn 100% of the revenue from your referrals. You can sign up here.
Do you have an embeddable widget?
Yes! You can find the widget here. It does not require JavaScript and will adapt to any size. Simply set it as the src attribute of an iframe on your website.
The widget can be used together with our affiliate program. Unlike other affiliate programs you'll earn 100% of the revenue from your referrals. You can sign up here. To use the widget with your affiliate ID simply add "?ref=YOUR_AFFILIATE_ID" to the end of the widget's URL.
Do I need to register an account to use
No. An account is not needed to use, however you can create one on our forum.
Does this website require JavaScript enabled?
No, will work with JavaScript disabled.
The following, non-essential, features will not work without JavaScript:
- Only allowing the selection of available pairs
- Immediate errors upon selecting a too high or too low amount
- Loading of widgets on the results page
What's the best way to use
We recommend using the Tor Browser to access our Tor mirror with JavaScript disabled.
Is anonymous to use?
Yes, is anonymous to use. We do not track you or store any personal information. For the best privacy we recommend using the Tor Browser to access our Tor mirror with JavaScript disabled.
How long does it take for swaps to complete?
It depends on your transaction's fee, as well as the blockchain's average blocktime. Most exchanges will process a trade, when a transaction gets ~1-2 confirmation. At most it can take up to 1 hour.
How do I get listed on
You can contact us using the links in the page's footer. We recommend using SimpleX or email.
Do you have a law enforcement contact?
For law enforcement inquiries please contact us using the following email [email protected] or using SimpleX (link in footer).